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Second Day in the Coconut Island, Hawai'i - "OCEAN LOVE"

A moment after finished the mechatronics workshop at HIMB
I woke up in the morning and saw the beautiful scenery in Coconut Island, Hawai'i. This is our second day in the Coconut Island where the Hawai’i Institute of Marine Biology (HIMB) is having a research center. After a wonderful previous night when we learned about plankton and spent a beautiful night with other fellows, today will be a wonderful learning journey in this Island. Yesterday, we started a mechatronics class in a laboratory owned by HIMB and learned about basic mechatronics and programming. This day, we continued the class into deeper programming activities and electronics experiments. After breakfast and morning coffee, we started the class with some explanations about Raspberry Pi and, its IoS system, sensors, and application for such technology. I couldn’t believe that during 2 times 3 hours of classes we can build a working weather station system that can be used for many applications such as agriculture or gardening system.  As an engineer, I used to be familiar with this type of activity, but I am so happy to see other non-engineer fellows that were enjoying and doing a great job on this mechatronics workshop. This workshop showed how important the is the effort to develop and implement new technologies that can be used to conserve the marine and coastal biodiversity. Not only learned new things, but we also had so much fun and gained new experiences that for sure will be useful in our professional development.

Teamwork while working on the weather station project
This mechatronics workshop was the last activity in the Coconut Island after finished the class we were heading back to the East-West Center. When my foot stepped in the boat and the boat started to sail in the ocean, my eyes were stuck in the blue great ocean and wonderful scenery of the open sea. Learned about planktons and other species whose the lives are interrelated each other, including with human and the environment on the land, I was really touched by the tremendous merit provided by the ocean to the human’s civilization and why humans do not put enough love and attention to the ocean, falling in love to the ocean. This great opportunity more opened my eyes and my heart that I have to be changemaker started with myself and the smallest thing  I can do for me and others. I am sure that all the fellows felt the same feeling and more motivated to bring their insight after gained much knowledge and experience from this fellowship.

After arrived at the East-West Center, we had a little bit of free time for lunch and optional activities until night. At 4 pm, there was a Graduate Scholarship Program Presentation by the East-West Center. In the session, they briefly explained and provided information about available scholarship programs at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa relate to the East-West Center. This was a very great opportunity and motivation for me and other fellows to pursue higher education at the  University of Hawai’i at Mānoa. Personally, I am so interested in this opportunity and wish us luck, may the force with us ^_^.

The night was well spent with a beautiful dinner with beautiful people indeed and spent the fun moment with other fellows. It is always a nice moment to talk with friends while exploring the Hawaiian cuisines. Since this week is the last week of this fellowship program, every memory is so precious for me. We will be separated and come back into our home countries and do what we have to do. Share the knowledge that we get to the community for good as well as being the change makers while pursuing our own dreams. But for sure, we all are connected in a good circle and the end of this program will be the start for our LABs journey. In the end, change is the end result of all true learning, and there is nothing unchanged except for change itself, it means that there is no ending for true learning and change. And this whole fellowship is opening our eyes to be brave to make changes, to experimenting and keep doing the good things.

The original article can be found at:

Dita Anggraini,
Hawai'i, 28 October 2018


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