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Motivations and Expectations of Study at Electric Power Engineering KTH

This essay was made for Sustainable Electric Power Engineer assignment at KTH

        Coming from Indonesia, an archipelago country with more than 17,000 islands, I see different challenges on electricity generations and distributions faced by my country. Indonesia has achieved a 98.86% electrification ratio since 2019, but regional disparities of electricity access are still happening. Many electrified regions, especially in Eastern Indonesia, have not had access to 24 hours electricity[1]; this impedes the development of other sectors such as economic, education, or health.  Therefore, I am motivated to pursue a career in the energy sector to take part in improving the life quality of many Indonesian citizens by providing more reliable energy access for society. By studying in the Electric Power Engineering[2] program in KTH, I wish to have a solid understanding of the electrical system, its operation and planning that will be beneficial to develop the Indonesian electrical grid. 

In terms of career goals, I am interested more in the research and education sectors of electric power engineering.  I want to be an educator for the higher educational institution while being a researcher in this sector. In this way, I can help more students learn about the topics and accompany them on their journeys to be energy engineers who will build the Indonesian energy system. I always believe that investing in human capital is key to accelerating a nation's development, including the future of sustainable energy. On top of that, being a lecturer will enable me to continuously learn and share different knowledge and perspectives with students and colleagues. My future research probably will focus on power system design and integration of various energy sources consisting of renewable and non-renewable, including the HVDC transmission line. I am interested in the potential of HVDC to increase renewable energy transmission efficiency and reliability. Because of its stability and low losses, HVDC could balance out the natural fluctuations in renewable energy in a way that AC never could. That could dramatically reduce the need for large coal or nuclear power plants[3]. This is a low hanging fruit, reminiscing how abundant Indonesian renewable energy sources are and how limited the current renewable energy utilization is.

To achieve my career goal as a lecturer and researcher, I have to equip myself with the fundamental and advanced knowledge from this master program. Then I have to pursue a more profound study in PhD for the more focused topic in smart grid systems integrating renewable and non-renewable energy sources, hopefully also in KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Since I didn't come for a purely electrical engineering degree but an engineering physics degree,  my goals for the ongoing academic year is to grasp and strengthen a solid foundation of the electric power engineering domain and explore courses and projects in the following year. I also want to explore academic careers opportunities at KTH or broader scope (Europe) to prepare for my PhD study plan.

Spending my first month as a master student at KTH, I have already learned many new things. While still trying to adapt to Swedish weather and culture, I am also surprised by the study pace and high study load this semester. I would positively say this is an opportunity to accelerate my learning process. I also like that we have many discussions and projects in groups that allow us to share knowledge and different perspectives, which broaden my horizons. Those are exciting since I came to KTH to access the high ranked education program and learn from Sweden as one of the forefronts of advancements in grid systems, power component technologies, and automation solutions[4].



[1]        [1] A. Development Bank, "Indonesia Energy Sector Assessment, Strategy, and Road Map – Update," 2020.

[2]     [2] "Programme syllabus for studies starting in autumn 2021, Master's Programme, Electric Power Engineering (TELPM)," 2021. (accessed Oct. 07, 2021).

             [3] PATRICK J. KIGER, "High-Voltage DC Breakthrough Could Boost Renewable Energy," 2021. (accessed Oct. 07, 2021).

[4]         [4]  "MSc Electric Power Engineering," 2020. (accessed Oct. 07, 2021).


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